Students find the campus of the Westminster Seminary California at 1725 Bear Valley Parkway. In addition to the classroom settings, there is also the Westminster Village that focuses on fellowship. When the administration wanted to assist visitors with wayfinding, it connected with our sign shop to buy panel signs for chapels in Escondido, CA.

Blue and White Board Sign Welcomes Visitors and Assists with Wayfinding

Panel Signs for Chapels in Escondido CA

The board takes advantage of an already installed monument sign setup. However, rather than going small to accommodate the construction’s right angles, our shop designed a panel sign that fits perfectly from one side to the other. Our technicians imprinted white on blue lettering with a perfect rendition of the Seminary logo. An exterior light source illuminates the product after dark.

Churches Transform Existing Structures into Monument Signs

Signs for Churches and Chapels in Escondido CA

It is a common misconception that you have to install a complete structure to reap the benefits of a wayfinding sign. Depending on your property’s design and construction, it is entirely possible to take advantage of walls facing the street or parking lot to take on the role of a monument sign. For example, a standard brick wall that separates the church property from the road quickly transforms into a wayfinding marker with little more than the addition of a board or dimensional letters.

Selecting the Right Wayfinding Product for Your Location

Of course, not every church has a wall that would be ideal for a monument sign transformation. However, you still have a variety of budget-friendly options.

  • Post and panel signs. A classic post and panel sign features a one or two-sided board held in place with two posts. We can manufacture the product using wood, aluminum, or PVC. Moreover, we can imprint the panel with your details or add dimensional letters to boost the attention the sign gets. Consider mounting it near your parking lot’s entrance.
  • Outdoor directories. When your entrance is visible from the street or parking lot, we recommend outdoor directories. They highlight the locations of Sunday school classrooms, chapel entrances, and meeting halls on the property. By placing your faith community’s name at the top of the directory, you also benefit from this wayfinding aspect.
  • Reader boards. For the side of a property, we recommend the installation of a reader board. Some churches opt for LED panels that can be changed with ease from the office. Others prefer manual boards.

Are You Thinking of Buying Panel Signs for Chapels in Escondido, CA?

Please do not make the investment until you talk to our specialists. We routinely work with committees that are looking for ways to boost the visibility of their amenities. Moreover, these church members understand that selecting the right sign will make a significant difference in the overall aesthetics of the location.

We can help you achieve these goals while staying on budget. Best of all, we can show you ways that you may be able to save money with little more than material selections and display options. Connect with us today to learn more about your choices and begin the project!