Pet lovers bring their four-legged companions to Highlands Ranch Animal Hospital at 13859 Carmel Valley Road. There, the friendly staff handles all aspects of pet care, including microchipping, dental work, and regular checkups. Recently, the clinic discovered a problem with its signage that needed expert illuminated sign repair in San Diego, CA. All Star Signs took on the project.

An Aging Sign Gets a New Lease on Life with Professional Sign Maintenance

Channel Letter Sign Repair in San Diego CA
A look at the sign before the channel letter repair.

When we visited the clinic, it was clear that there were problems with the illumination systems. Some letters lit up, while others either remained dark or only lit up partially. Our technicians explored the electrical workings of the sign and began the repair process.

We replaced two transformers that had failed. In fact, we added a third one to allow for a better connection. Next, our technicians removed the old LEDs and replaced them with new ones. The result is dramatic. Once again, the animal hospital has a sign that shines brightly, assists customers with wayfinding, and advertises its brand.

All Star Signs Completes Any Sign Maintenance Projects

Illuminated Sign Repair in San Diego CA
What a difference after the sign maintenance was completed!

In the past, we have discussed how our technicians help local business owners repair and refurbish signs. At that time, we discussed new cabinet sign facings, targeted repairs, pylon facing replacement, and re-skinned signage design, production, and installation. However, our sign repair and maintenance projects do not stop there.

We also work with illuminated signs that need more than just cosmetic facing refurbishing.

  • Repair services. If your illuminated building sign experiences damage because of weather or external factors, we send out technicians to repair the broken pieces. We also take on projects when some parts of your sign are breaking down sooner than the others. We typically recommend connecting with All Star Signs as soon as you notice one component failing.
  • Sign maintenance. These projects typically involve cleaning, paint touch-up, and tightening of screws. Consider the development of a regular maintenance schedule that puts you in the driver’s seat. It can prevent future repair services and keeps the product looking great – longer.
  • Restorations. Some clients have vintage signage that is part eye candy and part brand message. For them, it is essential that we maintain the great look of the sign. Therefore, we restore even older signs. Frequently, we can do so with modern materials that nevertheless mimic the historical looks.

Schedule Illuminated Sign Repair in San Diego, CA

Sign repair in San Diego CA
Do you need sign maintenance, repair or refurbishing?

Whether you have a lightbox cabinet that is not working correctly, channel letters that are no longer lighting up as brightly, or an electric blade sign that fails to work on one side, All Star Sign’s technicians will gladly visit your location and handle all aspects of the necessary troubleshooting. Because a building sign is one of the most important marketing and branding products you have, it must remain in excellent condition.

Please note that we can refurbish, repair, restore, or maintain signs even if our shop did not handle the initial design, production, or installation. Find out more about your options by calling All Star Signs at 760 746 6555 today!